
Correction / Jerky-date to a Previous Post Involving "Jerky"

I cannot - in good conscience - allow misinformation to spew from this blog. The Jack Link's "beef jerky" I spoke on earlier is, in reality, a "Steak Bar" / "Ready-To-Eat-Beef-Snack".

I can only report back on the "original" version thus far. I hate to say it, but I'm not a fan. There wasn't that tear / pull and eat of glorious beef jerky. There's a very specific processed texture / flavor here that I can't place. McRib? Maybe. For those of you who don't know me very well, I'll expound on this by saying that my enjoyment-bar for this kind of stuff is very low. I'll snap into a Slim Jim with the best of them - RIP Randy. But for Jebus' sake, this texture / flavor?! I am not a fan.

As an aside, that might be one of my favorite commercials of all time. Art thou bored!?

It looked / smelled / felt remarkably like a dog treat and, very predictably, Charlie was intrigued. He may have enjoyed some Ready-To-Eat-Beef-Snack residue off of my fingers / napkin (jeans).

Perhaps that's why it's correctly labeled as a Beef-Snack. I can't describe how much I enjoy the Ready-To-Eat portion of that. Radical! I don't have to cook this!?

I'm holding out hope for the "Peppered" version, but my expectations are very low.

1 comment:

  1. The whole thread about beef jerky made me laugh!
