
Days 1-3 : The pains of blogging in retrospect

Day 1!
So here we go. This journey started a long time ago, but I'm going to start things on Tuesday the 18th of December - when you're transitioning to international dates, every little reinforcement helps.

Tuesday was moving day. Thanks Novo! I do not want to move my own stuff. Ever. Again. The movers showed up, wrapped everything in paper, and eventually packed those perfectly wrapped things in our very own shipping container! Fun times.

To file under "not fun times" once the movers left it was now up to Emily and Collin to sort out the rest of everything else. Pack everything up that needs to go to Chicago and / or Copenhagen. Ready the house for the de-leading folks. Ready the house for the new tenants. Sleep on an air mattress in an echo-y, cold, empty room.

Day 2!
I apologize in advance for this terrible - well, likely terrible - formatting. Either blogger is horrible or I am horrible at using blogger. This is what I get for not knowing how to do anything by hand anymore.

At any rate, not that you can see it from this horrible picture, but that's 4:06 on the clock. We missed our target time by 6 minutes! The car was fully loaded. Charlie was - for the first time EVER - in his crate with the door closed. We were off.

Somewhere around 1000 miles and 15 and a half hours later we landed in Naperville. Then sleep, precious sleep.

Day 3!
If the average Car Talk caller represents the average American car owner, it appears that a decent percentage of people name their cars. Sadly, we never named our Vue. All the better as it is now part of some sort of CarMax auction. Good luck dealers!

Moving a car to Denmark would be crazy. Buying a car in Denmark might be crazier. Emily and I will now learn to love riding bikes. Excuse me while I punch myself in the face. Such is life and such is the grand experiment that is this move. Collin will grow to love bike riders cyclists and may even begrudgingly become one himself! Oh the shame!

And Charlie, oh Charlie. As most of you know, Charlie is a very weird dog. I love him. Emily loves him. He is still weird. Eccentric, perhaps. Tonight was the first time he has done this since we have arrived. I am a happy man.

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