
Day 435 - Twenty Five or Twelve and One Half

No, it's not that I can't remember the lyrics to many a college basketball band's favorite Chicago song. Today we're talking about anniversaries. Wedding anniversaries.

I can't speak as to whether the following is an accurate representation of what happens in all Danish workplaces, but the following holds true for life at Novo.

As far as I can tell, Danes celebrate two distinct wedding anniversaries. One, at twelve and a half years and one at twenty-five years. Originally, the 25-year anniversary was the be-all / end-all anniversary celebration, but in this modern cynical world of ours the number of couples making it to 25 dwindled, and thus the need for a new celebration at 12 and a half. When we're talking about celebrating, lowering the bar is always acceptable. And as I've mentioned before, Danes like to party and when it's time to party they will always party hard.

You are expected to throw a mega party for family and friends on these anniversaries, and most people spend a lot of money doing this. I don't know how much money, but it's considerable. One of my coworkers recently celebrated a 25 year anniversary with - instead of a big party - a trip to Thailand. If I had any interest what-so-ever in adopting any of these Danish customs, I'd definitely go this route.

There's a traditional wedding-arch-like thing that I can't seem to find the Danish word for. When it's your anniversary, people at work make an arch - or a half-arch for the "half" jubilæum - near your desk / office that you theoretically have to walk under.

This one is made of nitrile gloves. If you looked carefully, you might have noticed the aluminum foil. Yes, my office enjoys the fun harmless pranking. Not the kind of pranking that involves Christopher Walken and / or a tire iron.

Yes, that is a very young Seth Meyers. Fun times.

So yes, my office enjoys pranks. Hiding keyboards. Removing wheels from chairs. Etc. This most recent prank involved wrapping every item on my colleagues desk in aluminum foil.

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